What people say about our ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church:

This congregation has been blessed with a history of pastors strong in doctrine.  Our motto, adopted about 25 years ago, “Growing In Christ Together”, fits so well.  As we gather together in worship and confession, we grow in Christ through faithful preaching and teaching of God’s word and by receiving the sacraments.
Our church comes alongside parents to help them ground their children firmly in the historic Christian faith. Sunday School, confirmation classes, spiritual retreats, Vacation Bible School and family activities are provided to nourish their spiritual lives.
Social Ministry, with Christ at its center, is Trinity’s service to meet the needs of those in the Okmulgee  and surrounding community. The Social Ministry committee oversees the implementation of the church’s outreach program.
The fellowship committee plans and organizes the various fellowship activities throughout the calendar year. These activities provide opportunities for congregational members to interact with each other in to invite friends and family to get to know our church family in an informal setting.
I am so thankful for the fellowship and spiritual support our Women in Prayer Group provides!
Members of the Board of Elders assist the pastor in his work as a called servant to the congregation. The elders are to seek the spiritual health each member of the congregation.
We are helping to bring Christ to the community!